Tuesday, October 6, 2015

win7 0.1 Theme/Style for KDE 4.0, you can try on Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mageia, Slackware, PCLinuxOS, Debian and most popular linux distro

win7 0.1 Theme/Style for KDE 4.0, you can try on Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mageia, Slackware, PCLinuxOS, Debian and most popular linux distro

win7 consists of a color scheme for KDE 4.14, a smooth preset for QtCurve, Plasma theme, Aero cursors theme, Aurorae decoration theme,
Plymouth, sounds, KDE Splash theme, KDM theme, icon theme, fonts and wallpapers.

Tested on OpenSuse 13.2.
Download win7 0.1 Theme/Style for KDE 4.0

After download, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
# tar fzx win7.tar.gz
# chmod +x install.sh
# ./install.sh
Enter root password and relogin.

You can test not downloading Live iso image in the browser window, merely
follow the link

If you decide to download it offers 2 options:
1) USB Stick / Hard Disk Image 2.4 GB - for recording on a USB flash drive or hard drive.
2) Live CD / DVD (.iso) 2.1 GB - to burn to DVD.

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